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Writer's pictureLaurna


I love breastfeeding my son! But breastfeeding is not easy! It is such a natural thing to do but it does not always come naturally or easily.

With my daughter, my milk took a while to come in, and then my supply was very low. You are told that your body knows how much milk to make for your baby and to trust if will nourish your child. What you are not told is how much stress and upset can effect your supply.

When my daughter was taken to scbu at hours old, that’s when my PND and PTSD started. My baby was taken away and I was given a tiny syringe and told to hand express colostrum. This is difficult enough normally, but when you are in a ward with babies and yours is not with you it’s impossible!

We ended up having to top up with formula at the start and she still had weight issues.

I was then put on medication to help boost my supply, this with herbal supplements, scheduled feeds, and regular pumping. This was extremely stressful and exhausting but we finally got there and I was able to feed exclusively after a couple of months.

When I was pregnant again I was worried about my milk supply. But I knew how much my mental health effected it and was prepared.

Due to my GD I was able to harvest colostrum beforehand which was amazing. Daddy was able to use this while I was in surgery.

This time, my baby was with me as soon as I came round after my trip to theatre. We had instant skin to skin for two days and feeding was instant.

This time, my supply is immense! My milk came through very early and I have been leaking regularly! To leak milk when you previously had to work hard for every drop is mind blowing!

I’ve been in tears of Joy seeing milk run down my body when feeding from the other side.

I have been using my breastmilk collector from Lansinoh which ensures I don’t waste any.

Breastfeeding is hard but it can also be the most amazing thing you do.

Breastfeeding is a choice and does not work for everyone.

I’ve been able to experience both sides of the spectrum of feeding. We have now passed the first 6 weeks (which are the hardest) and we re going like champs!

The next time you see someone breastfeeding, give them a smile or a supportive comment. You don’t know how hard they may have hard to work for that feed!

Laurna x

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