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Offering tailored consultations, group sessions and workshops based in the Highlands.

Offering online support worldwide and postal hire covering the uk


What does Coorie in with love offer?


Babywearing is the practice of keeping your baby or toddler close and connected to you as you engage in daily activities through the use of one of a variety of types of baby carriers. It is a traditional practice in many cultures that is not widely used by modern societies, but it nonetheless has many benefits for both children and caregivers. Babywearing promotes bonding, supports breastfeeding, can help combat postpartum depression, makes caregiving easier, and can be a lifesaver for parents of high-needs children. Carried babies sleep, feed, and grow better. One study found that carried 6-week-olds cried 43% less than other children.
Babywearing is not about any particular parenting philosophy and it is not about any specific carrier. It can be practiced by a wide variety of caregivers including moms, dads, grandparents, siblings, nannies, nurses, doulas; in short, anyone who cares for a newborn, infant, or toddler. There are safe and effective carrier options for every budget and taste.

At Coorie in with love, you can learn to carry your wee one safely and securely in a sling or carrier. I will support you to find the best option for you and your wee one. Learn to carry from preemie to preschool to enable you to use carrying as a new parenting tool.



With a large sling library available, there is an option for all shapes and sizes and requirements. All slings and carriers are also available for postal hire covering the whole on the UK.



My personal specialty is Woven wraps, so sign up and subscribe to the Wonderful world of wovens where you will be guided from your first front carry, through hip and back carry options. Get free wrap hire during your subscription for a chance to try various sizes, styles and blends too.



Buy preloved in the corner shop. When I move on library slings, they are available to buy so that I can replace them with new stock.



Want to see baby when they are on your back? Buy a sling mirror to keep that wee face in view at all times.



Want to spread the love of carrying? Then buy a gift voucher for someone to learn with their new addition.



Are you local? Then join us on one of our three weekly support walks. Explore new places and enjoy the freedom of ur walks with baby safe and secure.







Babywearing has many benefits and helps to build an attachment in many ways and differently for each person.
For the mother, some of these are skin to skin time especially right after birth. A kangaroo top or carry can help with this especially after a C-section and the mother wants to be close but may feel weak. If baby is born early or has any medical issues, the mother may want to wear the baby to protect from the outside world or family and friends eager to each hold baby.
​ Another is breastfeeding, holding your baby close to you in a sling, enables you to see and respond to your babies feeding cues a lot quicker. It can also help to boost your milk supply or encourage it to come in a quicker. And with many slings, it just takes a few small adjustments and you can feed while wearing as long as you remember to re position afterwards. Wearing your baby can releases several hormones, most importantly is oxytocin (the love hormone). This can lower the risk of developing post-natal depression, but if it does develop, it can help to alleviate the symptoms.

For other parents and caregivers, they can be close to baby and by being so they can also respond quicker to cues. Baby will be more relaxed being help close and may cry less. Wearing baby will also relax the wearer and allow for some calm and natural bonding time.

For parents who have adopted or are fostering, babywearing can play a hugely important role. For adoptive parents, it can help both parent and child build a bond by being close, feel comfortable with and get to know each other. With fostering, babywearing can be used to help build closeness and security for the child. This will help them be able to build strong relationships in the future. If the foster parents are worried about creating too strong an emotional bond, perhaps with children who may not be with them for too long, this is where outward facing carriers may be preferred.

During the time wearing a baby, you are able to interact and communicate with them to help them learn and develop quicker. You will be able to build a strong attachment and know them better than anyone who wants to give ‘helpful advice’.
For older children, when a parent wears a new baby, it allows them the time and free hands to give other children attention too. I feel that this would prevent any issues of jealousy for the other child.
If the parent is able to easily meet the needs of all children at the same time then there should be no jealousy issues. If mother, father or anyone else is babywearing and interacting and meeting the needs of everyone, then it’s going to develop a strong bond and attachment between all.


Sessions in Private

or in a Group


Consultations are tailored to you and your baby or child. They take in to account your health and lifestyle and any medical needs.

Workshops are group sessions, they focus on one area of carrying, for example feeding in slings or back carrying.


Parents Recommend

Rebecca B.

Had a great Instagram training session with Laurna, it was different to other sessions I’ve been on as it was specific to babywearing and I got so much more out of it! The sessions were easy to follow and very friendly with lots of chat, discussion and demo’s, Laurna has continued to provide support loving after the initial session. Would definitely recommend!

Lizzy A.

I did Instagram training with Laurna which has been really useful. I have been getting lots more engagement since putting what I learnt into practice so I’d definitely recommend it! She really knows her subject and shares her knowledge in an easy to understand way. xx

Samantha K.

I had a zoom consultation with Laurna a few days ago to help me trouble shoot my ring sling. 
The session with really helpful, simple and to the point and no information overload. My baby now feels much more secure and I’m comfort wearing the sling too. 
I would recommend a session to anyone that wants some help with baby wearing 

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